What is needed/supplied files (modinit.c)/localisation

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You will need:
CatComp it is the official catalog compiler of the Amiga You can find it on the "Amiga Developer CD 1.1" and elsewhere.
Compiler My recommendation (and I'll only refer you to this) is SAS 6.58, you can also use be StormC or others. If you don't use SAS/C, you might need to change a lot of the DOpus include files, so I would suggest to you to buy a SAS one (they are currently cheap).
Other If you want anyway try to work with a different compiler, you might need to know what some SAS keywords mean:
__saveds = keep the register A4
__asm = function does expect the arguments in specified registers

Additional you may use any one of the GUI-Builders for trying a GUI - only to get an impression how it may look later. Their code is NOT needed...

How do I work myself :

I use the MaxonC 3.0 editor (Edward) to write my stuff. It also has HotHelp (a special format of the Autodocs) for online help. To compile I turn to the DOpus Workbench and simply click on the "Build" icon. I use also the GadToolsBox 2.1 for a quick look at a GUI.

Supplied files

You can find the important supplied files of the SDK in the directory "Simple_Module1" - with some small changes :-). The files you may change are well commented. You may use the contents of this directory as the basis for your own project.

Take a look in:

To rebuild the other projects you must copy the whole directory of "xxx_Module?", the subdirectories you want (and the directory "sc", if you do not install the contents to your sc: drawer - but here you must modify the smakefile) to a disc. Then you may simply use the "Build" icon (also needs a properly installed SAS/C).

The source of the rndpic.module and of the time.module are only for average programmers and are not so heavy commented. I have only supplied them for the case you want to screw it up...


The way how DOpus modules are localized is really easy: If you need a string which should be localized, you should give it an ID (a kind of define) - ie. MSG_TEST - and write the ID and the real text in your "includes/buildin.cd". If you find out later that you need the string in your code, you write:

DOpusGetString( locale, MSG_TEST );

On other places may also be the ID enough (ie. in a popup menu).

Of course you'll get only a pointer and you can't modify the contents.

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