You will need:
CatComp |
it is the official catalog compiler of the Amiga You can find it on the "Amiga
Developer CD 1.1" and elsewhere. |
Compiler |
My recommendation (and I'll only refer you to this) is SAS 6.58, you can also use be
StormC or others. If you don't use SAS/C, you might need to change a lot of the DOpus
include files, so I would suggest to you to buy a SAS one (they are currently cheap). |
Other |
If you want anyway try to work with a different compiler, you might need to know what
some SAS keywords mean:
__saveds = keep the register A4
__asm = function does expect the arguments in specified registers |
Additional you may use any one of the GUI-Builders for trying a GUI - only to get an
impression how it may look later. Their code is NOT needed...
How do I work myself :
I use the MaxonC 3.0 editor (Edward) to write my stuff. It also has HotHelp (a special
format of the Autodocs) for online help. To compile I turn to the DOpus Workbench and
simply click on the "Build" icon. I use also the GadToolsBox 2.1 for a quick
look at a GUI.
Supplied files
You can find the important supplied files of the SDK in the directory
"Simple_Module1" - with some small changes :-). The files you may change are
well commented. You may use the contents of this directory as the basis for your own
Take a look in:
To rebuild the other projects you must copy the whole directory of
"xxx_Module?", the subdirectories you want (and the directory "sc", if
you do not install the contents to your sc: drawer - but here you must modify the
smakefile) to a disc. Then you may simply use the "Build" icon (also needs a
properly installed SAS/C).
The source of the rndpic.module and of the time.module are only for average programmers
and are not so heavy commented. I have only supplied them for the case you want to screw
it up...
The way how DOpus modules are localized is really easy: If you need a string which
should be localized, you should give it an ID (a kind of define) - ie. MSG_TEST - and
write the ID and the real text in your "includes/". If you find out
later that you need the string in your code, you write:
DOpusGetString( locale, MSG_TEST );
On other places may also be the ID enough (ie. in a popup menu).
Of course you'll get only a pointer and you can't modify the contents. |